Mickey Adair Portrait Portfolio

Mickey Adair's fine art portraits are shot on location with a 4" x 5" camera and with studio lighting.

These large negatives have been scanned at high resolution (300 ppi @ 16" x 20") and available currently

as archival 13"x 19" inkjet prints for $195.00 USD plus $25.00 S&H (continental USA) each.

All images on this website are © Adair 2015 All Rights Reserved by Mickey Adair. 

Contact Available Light Photography for non-continental USA shipping costs, reproduction rights, and assignments:

 (850) 222-6691 or: info@availablelightphoto.com

For contribution to Tallahassee area non-profits click on portrait of your choice, read the blurb, then click the PayPal button. Once you check out of PayPal send me an email to let me know which non-profit you want the 40% contribution made in your name.

Or click on portrait below for a blurb about the occasion and the PayPal button.

You do Not have to have a PayPal account.


Richard Leakey 2010

George McGovern 2009

Salman Rushdie 2008

John Dean 2007

Dick Gregory 2006

Stephen King 2006

Joyce Carol Oates  2002

John Updike 2000

Rosa Parks 1994

Henny Youngman 1991

Lawton Chiles 1991

B. B. King 1991

LeRoy Collins 1990

Max Cleland 1990

Lawton & Rhea Chiles 1990

Tip O’Neil 1989

Claude Pepper 1989

Kurt Vonnegut 1986

Alex Haley 1985

Carl Sagan 1984

Jesse Jackson 1994

John Glenn 1984

Wm. F. Buckley, Jr. 1983

Chuck Mangione 1982

Dave Brubeck 1982

Tammy Wynette 1982

William Kuntsler 1982

Abbie Hoffman 1981

Andrew Young 1981

Studs Terkel 1981

       Steve Allen &

Jayne Meadows 1981

Ed Asner 1981

Lou Grant & Rossi 1981

Maggie Kuhn 1981

      Phil Donahue &

   Marlo Thomas 1981

John Kenneth Galbraith 1981

I. F. Stone 1981

Bob Graham 1980

John Anderson 1980

Ralph Nader 1980

Ralph David Abernathy 1980

Coretta Scott King #1 1980

Coretta Scott King #2 1980

Coretta Scott King #3 1980

Joseph Lowery 1980

Muhammad Ali 1979

Aaron Copland 1979

C. K. Steele, Sr. 1979

Ray Charles #1 1982

Ray Charles #2 1982

Ray Charles #3 1982

Ray Charles #4 1982

Coretta Scott King #4 1980